Month: July 2017

A Beaming Story – TWM Interviews Butch Flint of Jim Beam

Kenneth “Butch” Flint at the Jim Beam distillery, Clermont, KY

When you take the tour of Jim Beam’s distillery property in Clermont, KY, it quickly becomes apparent that nearly every employee has a smile for visitors – and it isn’t just any old “Oh, you’re here touring I’m supposed to appear friendly” kind of smile. It’s that genuine, welcoming spirit of Bourbon country that shines through their smiles, and it’s clear they enjoy what they do at JIm Beam. From our lovely tour guide to the folks at the bottling line, everyone was unusually chipper, excited, and obviously proud to be part of sharing the Beam legacy with our small group of roving journalists.

As we passed one particular portion of the distillery, an executive from Beam Suntory who had been accompanying us pointed to an employee and commented, “See that fellow? His family has been working here at Beam for generations now, at least 80 years or so total now…” I looked at the employee, and as we passed him, I turned back to look again. There was no dry, worn demeanor or weariness in him. And I wondered.

Certainly even the most optimistic of us have had, at one time or another, a position of employment that was…well…unpleasant, if not downright awful, whether for the work, the environment, the people, or all three. Escape from said unpleasant job to a happier work environment  becomes our focus. Yet, here at this distillery were seemingly beaming (yes. pun. you’re welcome.) workers who were pleasantly going about their workday, smiling. And at least one of them was part of a family of Beam employees. It says a great deal about a company whose work culture is so agreeable that its employees not only stay for long periods of tenure, but also happily bring their family members into it. Family.

Beam was founded in 1795 by Jacob Beam, and the Beam family has been making its namesake bourbon as well as a number of other popular whiskies ever since. Fred Noe, the great-grandson of Jim Beam, is the 7th generation master distiller of the Beam family to oversee the family’s heritage and business. Noe himself works closely with his son, Freddy, to ensure the company’s ongoing consistency and success. And there it is. Family. Jim Beam is certainly about whiskey, but it is founded on family.

I mentioned to my gracious Beam Suntory hosts that I would like an interview with the man whose family has graced the distillery property for so many years. I was interested in finding out just what it was about the company’s work culture and environment that gave everyone there a bit of sparkle, and made his family members feel happy working there together.

I got my interview.

Kenneth “Butch” Flint is a distillery operator and has been working at the Jim Beam distillery in Clermont for 19 ½ years. He called me one morning as I was just finishing my coffee. The voice on the other end of the line was manly, gentle, and peppered with a perfect Kentucky accent.

I picked up a red pen. I always take notes in red.

Butch Flint’s father worked the Jim Beam bottling line for 35 years and met Mr. Jim Beam himself in the 50’s. His Uncle Charles worked in bottling fill height for 40+ years. Aunt Mary worked in the water plant for 40+ years, and Uncle Bill also enjoyed his career at Beam. Beam has certainly run deep in Butch’s family.

“They were unionized, and paid a good wage,” Butch said, a smile in his voice. “It’s a good job, a good place around here.”

A number of years ago, (pre-Jim Beam career), Butch was out running errands and saw a man who was wearing a company work shirt. A Jim Beam Distillery work shirt. Butch asked a simple question of the man: “Are they hiring?” The answer was affirmative, and it was the beginning of his own personal Beam story.

Now, nearly two full decades later, Butch Flint can attest to the changes he has seen and the fact that it’s still a good job, a good place.

“There’s a lot more automation now,” he reflected. “Back then it required a lot more manual work. What used to take 15-17 people in one area is now down to just 2-3 people per shift. But, now we operate three shifts a day, 24 hours, 7 days a week.” That wasn’t surprising to hear, for Jim Beam bourbon is the number one selling Bourbon Whiskey in the world and it certainly takes enormous effort in production to meet the market needs.

When asked about the changes he has seen under seventh-generation master distiller Fred Noe (see my article, “Noe Way”), Butch seemed to pause thoughtfully before answering in a manner that was typical of most of his observations – that it is all about positive growth and development. “Yeah, Fred added three fermenters…he’s looking to make more alcohol. Definitely expanding.”

Expansion seems to be coloring nearly everything Beam – now Beam Suntory – is doing these days. Butch noted that since the partnership with Suntory, the distillery has been undergoing considerable expansion, and that Suntory has put substantial investment into it. “Things are looking good. There are a lot of people from Suntory who have come on site. We have all had really good relationships with them and it has put off any fears. It’s been really good.”

As is my usual practice, I had several key questions for Butch. By this time we had been chatting for quite awhile, and his patience with my meandering, enthusiastic style of interviewing was impressive. Butch Flint had been the perfect one to interview about families who work at the Jim Beam distillery. And, of course, I found his southern charm delightful.

TWM: What do you think is the best thing about working at the Jim Beam Distillery?

BF: Well, it’s family-oriented. It’s just like they say – you come as a friend and leave as family. There’s a lot of places you work and you’re just a number. Here they do listen to us. The pay and the benefits are great. And there’s really no big personality conflicts.

TWM: What sets Jim Beam apart that you all (so many members of Butch’s family) have worked there?

BF: Everyone feels valued.

(There was little elaboration to that answer, but little was needed. It seemed to say everything.)

TWM: Would you like to see your children and subsequent generations of your family work there?

BF: You know, years ago they stopped hiring immediate family members, but about six months ago they started allowing it again. My daughter applied – I’m hoping she will hear a positive response and get on board here. Because…absolutely. It’s still a good place. I’m a simple guy – working for Jim Beam has been great for me, and I hope to continue on and be able to retire from here. It’s been a great place to work, for me personally.

Butch’s favorite whiskey from the company? He likes Knob Creek Rye and Jim Beam Black.

It isn’t often that I see a company (especially a large corporation) whose family of human resources actually takes on the appearance of a family. I can think of only three. Jim Beam is one of them, and the culture that comes down from the top precedes it as one that promotes and edifies family. Seven generations and counting.

I admire that. I will support that.

Heck. I’ll drink to that.

And the next time you happen to be touring the Jim Beam distillery in Clermont, KY, tell Butch I said ‘hi’.